Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Senior night!

So this last friday was senior night for football. It's crazy that i'm a senior now, and it is just now setting in.
These are my amazing parents. I am so blessed to have parents that love me as much as they do. They are what keep me going.
Moommm! Your baby is a senior! It feels like yesterday I had just started high school and now i'm about to graduate? wow.

These are my girls. Together we have survived all 3 years of varsity cheerleading. No matter how much we pick at each other, we're always there for each other. It has been a priveledge to have cheered with you guys! I'm going to miss it.

and this is Lizzie. She is my bestfriend, I love her.

This is who I am!

Hi! My name is Hannah and this is my first blog.
I'm 17 and a Senior in high school.

I've been cheerleading since middle school and now i'm a member of the varsity cheerleading squad

I am also the 4th child in a family of five.

I have been dating my boyfriend, Jesse, for about 3 years.

As well as being a cheerleader, I am also apart of my school's showchior, the AristoCats.

I live a very crazy life and I love every minute of it. I'm constantly on the move and with college sneaking up on me, It seems like I never have time to relax.
This is my crazy life, and I hope you enjoy this glimpse into it.