Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer 2012!

Wow! It has seriously been almost 2 months since my last post. So much has happened in these last 2 months!

Well lets start where we left off!

Me and my parents at baccalaureate :)

Me, Lauren, and Caitlyn at baccalaureate.

It was a lovely service and all of the student speakers did a fantastic job. 

Here is the only photo I got from the senior luncheon.
It was so much fun and it was a blast getting to see how much everyone has grown up in our senior slideshow. 

A couple days later came my final AristoCats performance, along with my senior solo. I sang "Don't Forget to Remember Me" by Carrie Underwood.

These 2 girls are my favorite little ones in the whole world. I am going to miss them so much!

Me and Jesse at his graduation party.

One of my graduation present from my mom. I love Pandora!

and here is me, graduating!

After graduation came project graduation. It was a lot of fun and I can't thank the parents enough for putting it all together. Without them I wouldn't have won my Nook!

Well after school ended and summer started, I started my new job at the Tim's Ford Marina.
I love it there and I love all the people I work with. Even though I work ALL the time, i'm having fun doing it.

So here are some pictures i've managed to get this summer.

Me and Jesse at Bonnaroo which we attended VIP style.

My graduation present from Jesse :)

The wonderful people I met at my UTK Orientation.
Colleen and Trevor!

The red dot is where Jay and I will be sitting at the Justin Bieber concert in January!!

Luke's last party :(

The lake with my best friends. <3

Walmart's 50th birthday!

Me and my work friend, Victoria, matching on the 4th of July!

I stepped on a nail. It was no fun.

My new piercing!!

and here is what I am doing now. Sorority recommendation packets. woohoo!!

My summer hasn't been full of adventures because i've been working all the time, but I am still having a lot of fun. 

Now i'm going to spend the rest of my summer working and reading my first years studies book. I will also be preparing myself for college, which is so close!!

Keep me in your prayers guys!