Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good bye Tullahoma, Hello Knoxville!

Hey Guys! I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted but I have just been so busy. So many things in my life have changed since I last posted and now i'm here to fill you in!

Last Saturday was my last day in Tullahoma and the start of a completely new chapter in my life.

Good bye Tullahoma, Hello Knoxvile!

Here is a picture of my dorm room. I love everything about my room, especially my roomie. 

My roomie's name is Kalie Larriviere and she is just like me and I love her to pieces. 

Here are some more pictures of my room :)

On the second night of being in Knoxville me, my roomie, and a couple friends went to what is called Night in Neyland. Coach Dooley spoke to us and we got to watch the cheerleaders. 

Here is me, Kalie, Claire, and Kirby at Night in Neyland.

Here is me and Claire being gangstas later that night.

I forgot to mention that Recruitment week started on Saturday, and what an exciting week that was but I'll get to that later.

On Wednesday classes started. It was so exciting to start classes, but extremely overwhelming. This semester I am taking Chemistry, Psychology, Math, and Theater.
I am really only excited about my Theater class haha.

But anyways, all week was recruitment week so I am going to show you the photos I got from this week!

Me, Kalie, and Sara on day 2 of Philanthropy!

Me and Natalie on the first night of skit round.

Me, Kirby, Krista, Kalie, and Sara on the second night of skit round.

Me and Natalie on Preference night.

and again!

During those days I met a lot of amazing new people and had a lot of fun hanging out with them!

Here is a bunch of us in Pres. court on Sara's birthday! Happy birthday Sara! love you! :)

And now for today! Today was the best day out of all of them. Today was bid day!!

Me and Courtney on Bid day!

Gamma Chi group number 52!! <3 We love our Gamma Chi Sydney!

and now..

I am VERY happy to announce that I am now officially a member of...


Me and Makayla are now Zeta sisters! :)

Me and Emily! :) 

I got to meet a lot of my new Zeta sisters and even got to run through the world fair park fountain!

I can't express to you how happy I am right now. God has just showered me with so many blessings. The saying "things have to get worse before they can get better" is absolutely true. I just kept faith and God led me exactly where I needed to go. I am so excited to start a new chapter of my life as a Zeta and as a nursing major student.

I know this journey isn't going to be easy, but as long as I allow God to guide me, I will be okay. 
Keep me in your prayers as I start this new and exciting chapter of my life!

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer 2012!

Wow! It has seriously been almost 2 months since my last post. So much has happened in these last 2 months!

Well lets start where we left off!

Me and my parents at baccalaureate :)

Me, Lauren, and Caitlyn at baccalaureate.

It was a lovely service and all of the student speakers did a fantastic job. 

Here is the only photo I got from the senior luncheon.
It was so much fun and it was a blast getting to see how much everyone has grown up in our senior slideshow. 

A couple days later came my final AristoCats performance, along with my senior solo. I sang "Don't Forget to Remember Me" by Carrie Underwood.

These 2 girls are my favorite little ones in the whole world. I am going to miss them so much!

Me and Jesse at his graduation party.

One of my graduation present from my mom. I love Pandora!

and here is me, graduating!

After graduation came project graduation. It was a lot of fun and I can't thank the parents enough for putting it all together. Without them I wouldn't have won my Nook!

Well after school ended and summer started, I started my new job at the Tim's Ford Marina.
I love it there and I love all the people I work with. Even though I work ALL the time, i'm having fun doing it.

So here are some pictures i've managed to get this summer.

Me and Jesse at Bonnaroo which we attended VIP style.

My graduation present from Jesse :)

The wonderful people I met at my UTK Orientation.
Colleen and Trevor!

The red dot is where Jay and I will be sitting at the Justin Bieber concert in January!!

Luke's last party :(

The lake with my best friends. <3

Walmart's 50th birthday!

Me and my work friend, Victoria, matching on the 4th of July!

I stepped on a nail. It was no fun.

My new piercing!!

and here is what I am doing now. Sorority recommendation packets. woohoo!!

My summer hasn't been full of adventures because i've been working all the time, but I am still having a lot of fun. 

Now i'm going to spend the rest of my summer working and reading my first years studies book. I will also be preparing myself for college, which is so close!!

Keep me in your prayers guys!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Weekend!

Hey Guys! Wow, i'm really getting good at posting more often! yay! 
So this weekend was an eventful one!

It started off with the family traveling to Knoxville to watch my sister Amy graduate. 

We left at 2:30 on Friday morning to make it to the ceremony at 7:30. Amy graduated from the college of arts and sciences as a graphic designer. We are all so proud of her accomplishments. She has a bright future ahead of her! 

After graduation we went out to eat at Steak N' Shake and then helped Amy get ready for her Art show. 

Here is Amy with her display table! She has amazing work.

and here is a funny picture of Amy and Amy haha! 

It was awesome having the whole family together for this occasion. Living so far apart from each other makes it difficult to spend time with one another so we cherish the times we do get to spend together.

On Saturday, my church held a senior banquet for all of the graduating youth. It was a very nice banquet with an amazing meal and speaker.

 This was the cute little present that each senior received. 

This is what the present turned out to be. A cute bracelet with our first initial on it. This is me and the other Hannah's bracelet. We got matching swag :) 
The boys got a nice black watch instead of a bracelet. Their watches came in a box that if you water it, grass will grow! 

Here is a blurry picture of all of the seniors!

Me and Jesse. He is the one who started taking me to this church 3 years ago and I can't thank him enough for it. 

and me and my mommy! I love her very much. :)

Sunday was Mothers Day and I spent the whole day with my mom!
My brother and I got my mom a butterfly tree decoration, a candle, and a picture frame with our recent family photo.

My mother is an inspiration to me and I don't know what I would do without her. :)

well, that is it for this blog. Be with me as I finish my last week of high school and take part in the senior festivities!
