Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Last Couple of Weeks!

I'm sorry i've been absent for the last two weeks, I have been extremely busy! There was so much to do I will probably forget to tell you most of it and it'll probably be out of order haha.

Well the start of the first week started off with the cheerleading Christmas party.
These are all the beautiful girls on the cheer team :)

and here is all of us girls goofing off!

That weekend I went with the Haywoods for a Christmas party at Jesse's Memaw's house.

On Monday, my group of friends had our Christmas party.
Here are all of us beautfiul ladies in our santa hat :)
We had a lot of fun and I can't wait for us to get back together for Bethany's birthday.

On Friday I had Christmas with Jesse's family. His family got me some wonderful stuff for Christmas and I am very thankful they are all in my life.
Thats me with my new socks and Jesse with his new hat :)

On Christmas Eve, my family did the usual family stuff. We had a big dinner and exchanged gifts from one another.
 Here is a picture of my grandparents sitting down for dinner.

and heres Jacob, my sister's boyfriend, creeping on, the fudge that my grandma had just made. Oh Jacob!

Christmas was a lovely day full of family. I don't have any pictures from Christmas though :(

After Christmas I went and spent time with my two bestfriends, Emma and Erin. I misssed these girls a whole bunch! We spent the night watching the movie The Help, which I loved!

On Tuesday, I headed up to Columbia to see my best friend, Madi Sproul!

 This is me, Madi, Kendra, John, and Taylor heading to Buffalo Wild Wing for dinner.

 Madi, Kendra, and me at Buffalo Wild Wings!

Here is me and Madi the next day as I was leaving Columbia :(
super sad day, I hate leaving!

But when I came home, Jesse made it better by serenading me with his new uke! He is so cute haha :)

Well there you have it! A long and crazy two weeks. Did I forget to mention I also got accepted to UTK during these crazy weeks? Well I did and you should of seen me jumping for joy! Knoxville here I come! I'll be sure to have a picture of my acceptance letter up sooner or later, but right now i'm too lazy.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Be with me as I start a new semester of school this next week.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy 3 Year Anniversary Jesse!

On this day three years ago, Jesse Haywood asked me out over text message. I never thought we'd still be together today, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Today, Jesse took me to lunch at Demos'. I ate a delicious Greek salad while Jesse had spaghetti. After we ate Jesse gave me his anniversary/Christmas present.
Beautiful, isn't it?

It wasn't easy getting this gift though.
Jesse wrapped put it in a shoe box because I told him the one thing I didn't want was shoes.
Inside the shoe box, Jesse put my present in a shoe!
Clever boy!

I gave Jesse a very nice Nike backpack that he can use in college but I never got a picture of it, darn!

Well anyways, this anniversary means a lot to me because I would of never have guessed that I would be in a relationship this long, let alone be in love at 17!

Jesse and I have been through a lot and have experienced a lot of things together so I'm going to share with you some of the photos Jesse and I have taken over the last 3 years.

This is the very first picture we ever took together.

This picture was taken the first time I went to Jesse's house.

This picture was taken on our 6 month anniversary.

This picture was taken the first summer Jesse and I spent together. This was also the first time I went to the lake house.

This photo was taken on the first 4th of July we spent together.

This was the first photo taken of me and Jesse in our uniforms.

This photo was taken on our first Halloween together. I was a football player and he was my reff :)

This photo was taken on our first new years we actually spent together. My first new years kiss!

This photo was taken at the baseball bonfire our Sophomore year.

This was our favorite photo back then. We are always goofing off!

This photo was taken at Young Life camp at Sharptop Cove.

Junior football season!

This photo was taken when Jesse helped me paint my room.

This photo was taken on PJ day for Basketball homecoming.

Junior basketball homecoming attendants.

Junior prom!

This photo was taken at the prom after party.

This photo was taken on one of our many trips to Columbia.

This photo was taken during the second summer we spent together.

The cutest photo we've ever taken together. :)

This photo was taken after we saw the play Hairspray.

My first round of senior pictures.

Senior year football season.

and this is us today!

What a long, crazy, and amazing journey this has been. Jesse, you have been what makes me smile and what keeps me going. You are always there for me, no matter what.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world. I love you Jesse.

Well anyways, keep me in your prayers as I continue with performance, basketball games, and the horrible waiting for any information on application to UTK.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Last Two Weeks!

I'm sorry for the long leave of absence, but life has been so busy I have barely had time to get on the computer!

To start off with, last week started our Christmas performances in AristoCats. We performed for the Women's Club on Friday.
After our performance, Samantha, Heather, and I played around at the Imagination Station.
We had fun ;) CHOO CHOO.

On Saturday the 3rd, The AristoCats held their annual fundraiser, Breakfast with Santa. Breakfast with Santa consists of breakfast, a Christmas concert performed by the AristoCats, and meeting Santa. It was a long but very successful day. :)

It's a happy day for all, not just children.

On Sunday, I attended the Christmas party for my Bible study group where we played dirty Santa with earrings.
These girls are absolutely wonderful and I am proud to be a part of this group.

The next week consisted of a gaggle of performances with the AristoCats and a few basketball games.
Needless to say I was exhausted by Thursday.

On Thursday came a delightful surprise.
Kiley Grace Dornon arrived :)
Kiley Grace is Jesse's sister's baby girl. She is a very healthy and beautiful baby.

On Friday the AristoCats had their Christmas concert at the high school. After the show everyone went to an after party at my lovely friend Heather's house.
Me and Heather's boyfriend, Alex, had a wee bit too much fun.

On Saturday the AristoCats performed at Cumberland Caverns. The performance will be aired on PBS sometime soon. Details later.

On Sunday, Jesse and I put up my Christmas tree and watched T.V. all day. It was a very relaxing day, something I really need.

Be with me this next week as I continue to have performances with the AristoCats, as well as basketball games and finals.
This week is sure to be a tiring one.
