Monday, January 9, 2012

First Blog of the New Year! Looking Back On 2011.

Hello lovelies! The first week of the new year was a busy one!

On New Years eve, my friend Luke had a bonfire.
 Me and Amy before going to our New Years Eve parties.
 Me and Delaney at Luke's!
 Delaney and all the boys.
 Me, Jessica, Erin, and Emma.
 Sloan and me playing Just Dance 3. Having way too much fun!
and here is a picture of my New Years kiss :)

2011 was a good year for me and I would just like to highlight some of the best stuff that I did.

Here's a picture of me and my friends on New Years Eve last year.

Jesse and me as the 2011 Junior Homecoming Attendants.
My 17th birthday! Even though it was a pretty horrible birthday, my friends and Jesse made it a ton better.
The 2010-2011 THS AristoCats.
 On the AristoCat's trip to the show choir competition at Petal. 
The 2010-2011 AristoCat's spring show.
Me and Hannah on the Home Depot Vocal Department renovation day.
My first time going to Columbia to stay with Madi!
 My last cheerleading tryouts!
 First and last time floating the river!
 Me and Jesse at our first prom :)
Me performing in Tullahoma's Distinguished Young Woman scholarship competition.
Mary graduation from High School! Yay college!
 Me and Erin and the super cool underwater camera on one of the first days of summer 2011.
 Before Lizzie's surprise party.
 My first Bonnaroo. At the Eminem concert!
 My last trip down the Ocoee river with the cheer squad.
 My last cheer champ. Its pretty bittersweet.
4th of July on the lake with Jesse and his family.
 After seeing Hairspray. With my favorite cast member :)
 My last Alpha Omega Chi rush week!
My first round of senior pictures.
 Senior AristoCats at our last Singer's retreat.
 Senior camp out!
Our last first day of High School.
My senior paw print for cheerleading.
Kings of Leon concert for Natalie and Erin's birthdays!
 Destin, Florida with my best friend, Madi :)
 My first carved pumpkin. (on the left)
 Me and Mary at my last cheerleading competition.
My last Tag Camp. Glad to have spent it with my best friends.
 and here is a picture of the 2011-2012 cheerleading team. My last team i'll ever cheer on. :(

2011 was a busy year, probably one of the hardest I've ever had academically, but I loved it. I'm going to cherish all of these memories as I move forward with my life.

On a lighter note, this week in AristoCats we got our first costume for our show.
Aren't they just amazing? It makes me so excited for show when we get new costumes!

Well, be with me as I continue to juggle AristoCats, basketball games, school, and college stuff. I'm going to need it!


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