Monday, January 30, 2012

Homecoming Week!

So I know it's been a while since I've blogged but I have been extremely busy! But anyways, I got pictures of this last week, which was homecoming, so I decided to blog about it!

Monday was Marvel Monday
Me and my brother went as cat woman and batman!
That night we finally had the football banquet. It has only been about two months since football ended. 
Here is my favorite picture from the banquet. I love Lizzie! 
at the banquet the cheerleaders got recognized and recieved flowers and a blanket. The senior cheerleaders had to share with the audience one of our favorite memories from cheer leading. Naturally, I shared a funny story about Lizzie and so did everyone else haha!
Here is a picture of the flowers, blanket, and award everyone received that night. Well, actually, only the senior cheerleaders received the monogrammed blanket. 

Tuesday was Secret Agent Tuesday
Me, Adam, and Evan dressed as spies.

Wednesday was Walt Disney Wednesday.
I was the Queen of Hearts. Here I am with the Mad Hatter.
Intramural basketball was also on Wednesday and me and my friends dressed up to support our Senior boys!
Don't you wish you were a 1 2?

Unfortunately, I was sick on Thursday and didn't get to dress up.:( It was Sci-fi Thursday. I was going to go as Princess Leia from Star Wars but oh well.

On Friday was spirit day and we had our homecoming pep rally. the homecoming court did a very fine job with their dance!
That night was the homecoming basketball game against Franklin County. Everyone came out to support the team and the homecoming court. it was an exciting night!
Here is a picture of our King and Queen, Brady and Sammi.
Brady and Sammi looked amazing. I LOVE Sammi's dress! Her hair also look amazing, courtesy of my hair dresser, Jody. :)

It was a wonderful week and I am really sad that it was my last homecoming. I'm going to miss dressing up, that was the best.  Senior year seems to be flying by and it's scarring me. It is going by wayyyyy to fast, it needs to ssSLOWWww down.

Well anyways, I forgot to mention a big highlight of last week.
I got to see this booger! I love her :)
I also got to see this little girl :) I love her too!

and here is a cute picture of me and my brother at school today.
we matched! haha.

well, that is all for this blog. Be with me as I start another week of school, and the cheer clinic and show competition approaches. I'm going to need all the luck I can get!


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