Monday, February 27, 2012

Wow, it has been forever!

Holy cow, I have not blogged in almost a month! I have been so busy  I have been neglecting my poor blog! well, i'll try and catch everyone up as best as I can!

So far I have had my 18th birthday, valentines day, the district basketball game, and the AristoCats first performance pass by!

Here is what I got pictures of!

Basketball Senior night. 

and me dyeing my hair red.

My 18th Birthday

That is a sad number of photos, but I have been so busy that I have had no time to even bring my camera anywhere!
Until this last week. 
This last week the AristoCats had their first show!
Here are a few photos from that!

 We had an awesome run and everyone loved our show. 
and that prepared us for our competition, Music City Show Shoppe, on Saturday at Belmont University.

me and my little ones before we left the school Saturday morning.

 Me and my favorite little ones, Samantha and Heather, being goofy on the bus. SHOW CHOIR 4 LIFE!

 Here is a picture of my cute outfit for the competition. The dress was originally $40 but I got it on sale for $13. :)

and here are me and my girls when we found out we had made the finals! first time in 11 years!

We ended up winning 4th runner up and the peoples choice award. Overall, it was a fantastic day.

I am so excited for the AristoCats to continue on with competition season. Our next competition is on March 24th in Ohio. We are still working very hard and plan on bringing home another trophy!

I almost forgot to mention! I am also very proud of the basketball team for winning district! they have also won several of their tournament games and are hoping to win state! How exciting that would that be!

well anyways, I apologize for my leave of absence but i'm back and will try to blog weekly. In the mean time, be with me as I continue to cheer basketball games, prepare for competition with the AristoCats, and study for my midterms.


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