Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week In Review!

Wow! What a week!
This week I found the time to redo the picture collages in my bedroom as well as the picture frames. So here are a few photos of those!
 Here is what it looked like before..

 and here it is after! 

 Here are some of my picture frames before..

and here they are afterwards!

On Thursday we had AristoCats pictures
so here is my favorite one!
Here is us with our trophies from the Music City Show Shoppe!

I spent my Friday night with Jesse and his family. We watched the movie Abduction. It had Taylor Lautner in it so you know it was good!
After the movie me and Jesse did something stupid that I will never do again. We did the cinnamon challenge. It was terrible!

Here is Jesse's cinnamon challenge.

and here is my cinnamon challenge!

I do not suggest anyone do it. It was HORRIBLE!!

anyways, on Saturday was Miss Tullahoma. I got to watch my three best friends strut their beautiful selves on stage!
Here is Caitlyn, Lauren, and Natalie. Aren't they beautiful!?
I love them all and they are all winners in my heart :)

On Sunday I went with Jesse and his family to Columbia for his Memaw's birthday.
 Here is Jesse and Memaw's Delicious cake!!

me and Jesse riding bikes outside with all of his little cousins.

 Here are all the boys.

 Jesse is now apart of the Red Hat Society :p

and here is a picture of me and Jesse's precious little cousins :)

 Heres me trying to get Kiley to smile.

I almost got the little chunk to smile!

Overall, it was a pretty good week and I am exhausted. Be with me as I go through mid-term week! 

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