Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Lebanon Show Choir Classic!

Hola readers! :)
So this last weekend I traveled with my show choir, the AristoCats, to Lebanon, Ohio for a competition. 
So here is how the weekend went. 

On Friday night, after a week of 6 hour practices each day, the AristoCats had our second preview show.
After our preview show, our group went out to eat at AppleBees. We always have so much fun when we eat together.
Here is Heather, awkwardly taking her food to go. (Notice the cheese sticks in her pocket)
after AppleBees, a group of us went to the drive-in for the midnight premier of the Hunger Games, my favorite book!
 This is us dancing on my car. I love my little girls!

These people mean the world too me!

After the premier, my little ones, Mantha and Smeather stayed the night with me. The next morning we woke up early to get ready for the 6 hour bus ride to Ohio. The bus driver ended up going the wrong way and it took us about 10 hours to get there.

On Saturday, we arrived at the competition ready to dominate. 
In our changing room, the hosts of our room made balloons with our names on them! sooo sweet :)
 Here is me and my little ones :)
and here is Taylor Lautner. YUMMY!

Our group ended up not making the finals, but we did win People's Choice award, for the second time in a row!
Our group has come a long way since Mrs.Baldwin left about 7 years ago. We started from absolutely nothing with one bad director after another. I'm extremely proud of our accomplishments.
Oh! I forgot to mention. I won best performer that night! I am so grateful for this. God is so good.
Here is my new friend, Zach. He got to give me my award. He was the best host ever and extremely sweet :) (this photo was stolen from the website, hence the little copyright thingy, oops :P)
After the competition, the group went out to eat at Cracker Barrel. It was delicious. 
Me, Samantha, and Heather decided to be fatties. YAY FOOD!

On Sunday, the group made the long journey home. Bus rides are so boring. But I did get a new hat on one of our stops!
I will always be a Manning fan, no matter what team he plays for.

We finally made it home around 4 o'clock and had to say our good byes after spending almost a week with each other.

 Here is me a Christopher with our awards and a part of our set. I love everything about this picture haha.
 Here is the new AristoCat's shadow box. Its the first time in 7 years we've had new awards to display!
and here is Ms.Erica Wonder. The director that changed everything. We miss her SOOOO much.

In the end, it was an amazing weekend. Even though we didn't place, I got to spend my weekend with my second family. I love this group of people with all of my heart. I am going to miss AristoCats so much next year. 

Well, keep me in your prayers as school starts back and as I begin teaching material for cheer leading tryouts this week.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break In Review!

Hiya guys! Wow, I haven't blogged in a week or two soo let me catch you up on my fast paced life.

So i'm going to start with the cheerleaders trip to Fujis!
Here are all us pretty ladies together for one last time!

Here are a couple pictures of our wonderful food. It was amazing, just like always! Sooooo yummy!

Lauren, acting a fool trying to be a chef!

The rest of the week was full of exams and then Spring Break! 
On the first night of spring break I spent it with my lovely friends having our traditional Taco Night. The next morning I headed off to Knoxville with my friend Natalie for Panhellenic  Preview.
 Here is me and Natalie in Knoxville at Pan Preview. We had an absolute blast meeting people from all over Tennessee.

The rest of the week I spent with my best friends, Emma and Caitlyn. We always have a blast when we are together.
Together we went to the baseball teams first home game against Coffee County. Of course they won :)
Here is us at the baseball game :)

After the game our friend Luke had a party. They are always a lot of fun to attend.

The next day, Emma and I spent the whole day laying out in the sun because it was 80 degrees. The hottest it has been in a long time. It felt soo amazing!
Me and Emma just being lazy bums!

That same night we had a small get together at Emma's house.
We had a fun night, full of lots of laughs. :p

The next day I took some photos with Jesse just for fun.

I sure do love that boy :)
That same night I went with Jesse to play ultimate frisbee with his friends. I didn't actually get to play, so it was boring. :p

Then on Thursday Jesse had to leave for Mississippi for baseball so I hung out with Emma and Caitlyn of course! We went to the burro to go shopping on day and then to a couple parties.
Here's Caitlyns trunk after our shopping trip!

On Sautrday, Caitlyn and Emma left for the beach leaving me completely lonely for a couple days. :(
But then Jesse and Erin came home! 
Me and Jesse spent the first day he came home playing in the sun all day throwing baseballs and stuff. He taught me how to pitch, but I suck at it. :p

I love spending the day with him outside. We always play baseball or football and I usually always lose, but it's still fun.
That night we went to the drive-in with a couple of our friends and their girlfriends.
Too bad me and Jesse can't sit through a whole me. Well, at least I can't. 

Then Monday was Jesse's mothers birthday. We went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays and then had cake at their house afterwards.
Me and Jesse before his mom's dinner.

and on the next day me and my friend Erin took a trip out to the Bonnaroo fields. It was amazing to see it so empty.
 The Bonnaroo arch!
Look! i'm a little ant standing on the WHAT stage :)

well it has been a wonderful spring break but now I have to jump back into AristoCat's stuff. Be with us as we travel to Lebanon, Ohio for a competition on Saturday 


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week In Review!

Wow! What a week!
This week I found the time to redo the picture collages in my bedroom as well as the picture frames. So here are a few photos of those!
 Here is what it looked like before..

 and here it is after! 

 Here are some of my picture frames before..

and here they are afterwards!

On Thursday we had AristoCats pictures
so here is my favorite one!
Here is us with our trophies from the Music City Show Shoppe!

I spent my Friday night with Jesse and his family. We watched the movie Abduction. It had Taylor Lautner in it so you know it was good!
After the movie me and Jesse did something stupid that I will never do again. We did the cinnamon challenge. It was terrible!

Here is Jesse's cinnamon challenge.

and here is my cinnamon challenge!

I do not suggest anyone do it. It was HORRIBLE!!

anyways, on Saturday was Miss Tullahoma. I got to watch my three best friends strut their beautiful selves on stage!
Here is Caitlyn, Lauren, and Natalie. Aren't they beautiful!?
I love them all and they are all winners in my heart :)

On Sunday I went with Jesse and his family to Columbia for his Memaw's birthday.
 Here is Jesse and Memaw's Delicious cake!!

me and Jesse riding bikes outside with all of his little cousins.

 Here are all the boys.

 Jesse is now apart of the Red Hat Society :p

and here is a picture of me and Jesse's precious little cousins :)

 Heres me trying to get Kiley to smile.

I almost got the little chunk to smile!

Overall, it was a pretty good week and I am exhausted. Be with me as I go through mid-term week!