Monday, April 23, 2012

The Last Couple of Weeks

Wow! It has seriously been a long time since i've written a blog. I have just been so busy lately!

Sooo, that last time I wrote break had just ended and school started back. 
So i'm just going to share with you the photos that i've gotten since then!

Free bowling night!

Here is the random dog that licks your feet we found on one of Caitlyn, Emma, and my baseball adventures.

Easter with the Haywoods and Sprouls. :)

Jesse, Jaimie, Chris, and me being goofy.

After doing the egg hunt at the Sproul's. I made about 20 dollars. Not bad for my first time haha.

Here are the girls that attended the Basketball banquet. My last banquet ever! :(

my best friend and I at the banquet :)

Me as a fairy princess one night when Jesse and I decided to play in his mother's craft closet. 

and here is all of us baseball girl friends. The baseball field is where I have spent most of days here lately.

Now on to what happened this weekend :)
This weekend was my Senior Prom!
It was one of the best weekends of my senior year so far. I made so many good memories that night. I live for the nights I can't remember with the friends i'll never forget.

My prom date :) I love him with all of my heart. Its crazy to think about how far we've come.

Here is a picture of the group :)

The girls!

The boys.

My mommy :)

and my best friends :) I don't know what I would do without the girls in my life. 

here is one of the few pictures I got at the after party. Which started out bumpy but ended up being ALOT of fun :)

Well, I had an amazing time spending my last prom with the most amazing people. It is so upsetting knowing it was my last one.
But i'm excited for the rest of the year. It is about to start getting crazy as we near the end of school. I just hope I can make it till then! Keep me in your prayers!


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