Monday, May 7, 2012

My Phantomesque Week!

Hello everyone! 
So these past 2 weeks I have been consumed in my school's production of The Phantom of the Opera.
It is mostly because my little brother, Evan, was the Phantom.
Isn't he just the cutest? :)

What is the Phantom of the Opera you ask? Well it is one of the most popular musicals in Broadways history. 

It is about a Phantom who hides in a shadowy existence, far beneath the majesty and splendor of the Paris Opera House. Shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the love he holds for his beautiful protégée Christine Daaé is so strong that even her heart cannot resist.

This musical is by far one of the hardest to perform and the cast pulled it off magically. 
Here is a picture of the cast, crew, and orchestra members.

I can't even begin to tell you how proud I was of my little brother. Being the Phantom is a huge role and he pulled it off, making me cry every time I saw it. (Which was 4 times haha)
Me and my Phantom on opening night. :)

Me and Christine (a.k.a Ashley Stevens)

Me and Raoul (a.k.a Peyton Benett)

and here is me and the composer. I love you Corwin Davis! :)

the Phantom family!

The Phantom and his sibling on the second night. 

I didn't get a picture from the 3rd night but here is me, Jesse, Kelley, and Evan on the last night.

and now here are some pictures from the performance!
The Phantom singing The Phantom of the Opera while taking Christine down to his dungeon. 
Serenading Christine during Music of the Night.
The Phantom is angry after being betrayed by Christine.

The Phantom crashing the Masquerade in his red death costume.

Hiding his identity during Point of No Return.

Making Christine chose between the Phantom and Raoul.

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now the music of the night!"

I loved every minute of the performances and I am actually really sad that it is over. I love my brother and I am so proud of all of his hard work. It really paid off and he gave one hell of a performance. I love him very much. 

Oh! I almost forgot! I bet you have been wondering what the Phantom was hiding under his mask!
well there it is! His gruesome face. :)

Well, be with me as I finish out the last few days of my high school career, attend senior banquets, luncheons, and award ceremonies, and watch my older sister, Amy, graduate.


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