Thursday, November 10, 2011

Drew and Ellie Holcomb Concert!

Tonight, instead of our regular YoungLife club, we held a Drew and Ellie Holcomb concert at the South Jackson Civic Center.

This is Drew and Ellie.
Drew and Ellie Holcomb are christian artists that everyone fell in love with while at YoungLife camp at Sharptop Cove in Georgia.

This is me and Jesse with Drew and Ellie after the concert. Jesse bought one of their CDs and got them to sign it. I'm going to have to borrow it sometime!

Here is my favorite Drew and Ellie song!

And here is my favorite little girl in the whole world, Adeline. She is my young life leader, Jennifer's, daughter and the absolutely LOVE her. She is sooo precious!

Anyways, I have a busy weekend ahead of me. On Saturday my cheerleading team competes for a title at state. We have been working very hard and are hoping to bring home a BIG trophy. Also on Saturday, after the competition, I ahead to TAG camp for two days. TAG camp is a youth church retreat held at Kings Cross. This year Jesse's brother, Jacob, is our speaker and we're very excited about that.

Well, pray that my cheermates and I do well at our competition!

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