Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Weekend!

Well, this weekend was a super busy. With it being Halloween weekend, it made it even busier.

On Friday, the football team and the cheerleaders had an away football game in Lawrenceburg. Even though the temperature was unbearably cold, we came through with a win at 41-14.
It was also the first game that Jesse got to play in since his injury back at the beginning of the season. He was all smiles after the game :)

On Saturday, my friends and I decided to dress up as the Spice Girls for our National Honors Society Halloween Party.
I was sporty spice, Natalie was scary spice, Olivia was posh spice, and Bethany was baby spice. I thought we looked very spice girls!
Our costumes went over very well with our peers, but the parents had no idea who we were. We won the popularity vote in the costume contest, but not the parent vote. Oh well!

On Sunday, I woke up bright and early to accompany the Haywoods on a trip to Columbia for Jesse's sisters, baby shower.

While in Columbia I got to see my best friend Madi.
This is Madi; she's Jesse's cousin and my best friend :)
I wish she lived closer, I hardly ever get to see her, but no matter how far apart we are, we're still best friends.

When we returned home from Columbia, Jesse and I decided to carve the pumpkin we had bought a couple weeks back.
Jesse made me do it all by myself, he was no help at all :p
It was my first time carving a pumpkin, but I think I did pretty well. It's the red angry bird from the angry birds game :)

On Halloween, I spent the day with my mother taking a few photos. We spent quite a while taking them only to find out later that the camera was sort of broken and all of the pictures turned out blurry. Even though most all of them were blurry, we did manage to get one or two good ones. This one is my favorite.

That night Jesse and I dressed up and went trick or treating for the last time. We took my little brother, but he just slowed us down because he can't run due to a football injury. Even though Evan slowed us down, we ended up with a fair amount of candy.

Overall, this weekend ended up being a wonderful weekend. I really enjoyed spending time with my girls, my boyfriend, and his family. I also enjoyed going trick or treating for one last time, definitely memories I will always keep with me.

Pray for me this week as I anxiously await to hear something from The University of Tennessee, Tennessee Tech University, and Belmont. Lets pray that all my hard work has paid off!

But for now,

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