Sunday, November 27, 2011


So this weekend was Thanksgiving weekend and it was filled with the usual things; family, food, and football.
Thanksgiving is the day to give thanks, and this year I was most thankful for all of my family being home.
Along with my family, here are a few other things that I am thankful for in my life.

The first thing I am very thankful for is my friends.
We might not always get along, but I know we are always there for one another. These girls are what keep me sane. I love them!
The second thing I am thankful for my parents.

The last thing I am thankful for is my siblings.

We always fight and most of the times we cannot even stand to be in the same room with each other, but at the end of the day, we do love each other. Not matter what, we'll always be family.

Well, this week starts Christmas season in AristoCats with our first performance on Tuesday. Breakfast with Santa, our annual fundraiser, is on Saturday. What a long day but fun day that is.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention. When I arrived home on Wednesday, I was greeted with a bright red envelope from Belmont. This bright red envelope contained my acceptance letter!
Here I am all smiles with my acceptance letter. Woohoo!

Now all I am waiting for is a letter from my first choice school, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Right now all I can do is hope and pray I get in.


No matter what I do, they still shower me with love and encouragement. They have never once told me that my dreams are unattainable, but have always told me to keep pursuing them. I am so thankful God has blessed me with parents who never look down on me, not matter what I have done. They are amazing.

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